At the risk of being terribly unoriginal (what am I saying, risk? I know I'm terribly unoriginal), I've taken inspiration from this fantastic collection of facts, and decided to fill you all in on ten quick facts about myself.
1 - I have the most child like sense of humour.
2 - As much as I loathe to admit it, I'm a recovering facebook addict.
3 - I am the biggest nerd out. But you know what? I say the dumbest things.
4 - I'm a self proclaimed Bowie-ist. Bowie, is God.
5 - I used to be a 'dog person', but I think I'm slowly being converted to a cat one.
6 - More than almost anything else, I wish humans were immortal.
7 - My birthday is this Monday.
8 - I feel so uninspired. I hate that feeling. Most of the time, even when I feel like nothing is right, I can be inspired to take photos of something, to write something, to draw, ANYTHING. But now, I feel happy. But without any sort of inspiration. :(
9 - The extent to which I am uncoordinated is actually incomprehensible.
10 - I underestimate myself. Either that, or other people over estimate me. I think the latter.
So, there's an attempt to sum up my mundane life in ten facts.
The sad thing is, it was actually really hard to think of these.
Maybe it's fatigue, it's the second week back at school and already I have inordniate amounts of homework and assignments. Oh well, that's life.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I found this old 'poem' as I was going through documents on my computer, and thought I'd share it. It's quite embarrassing when I look at it now.
When you call my name,
My pulse quickens,
As if dancing a jig.
When I brush your skin,
My spine tingles,
Arching away from you,
While longing to be near.
I am repulsed by you,
As equally as I am attracted to you.
Repulsed by the power you hold over me,
You turn me into someone else.
But still this person is not good enough.
I'm attracted to your grace,
Your fiery passion, and quiet intelligence.
Your gentle touch, your teasing humour,
And your compassion for all things worthy.
Your kindness, often too much for me to understand,
And your striking independence puts me to shame.
You know I need you,
You just don't know how much.
I know you don't need me.
My pulse quickens,
As if dancing a jig.
When I brush your skin,
My spine tingles,
Arching away from you,
While longing to be near.
I am repulsed by you,
As equally as I am attracted to you.
Repulsed by the power you hold over me,
You turn me into someone else.
But still this person is not good enough.
I'm attracted to your grace,
Your fiery passion, and quiet intelligence.
Your gentle touch, your teasing humour,
And your compassion for all things worthy.
Your kindness, often too much for me to understand,
And your striking independence puts me to shame.
You know I need you,
You just don't know how much.
I know you don't need me.
Our family recently got a new kitten who had been dumped at a vet's. She is so adorable, I just felt compelled to share a picture. She's purring on my lap as I type.

Also, I've just come to the realisation that my birthday is this Monday. Sixteen, finally. Not much of a blog entry, but yeah.
EDIT: Well. That picture didn't work too well. I have no idea what's going on here.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
They're the strangest things, really, aren't they? I guess I should say we.
I wonder, though, have you ever taken the time to think, about what makes a person, a person. What makes us more than animals. Why do we get to be the best?
Anyone knows, we don't deserve it half of the time.
Friday, July 23, 2010
In today's cluttered world of mass media, politics, celebrity obsession, sexuality, crime, and travelling the world, I often find that music is the only thing that keep me from going completely insane. So, I started to wonder, how is this possible?
In reality, buying music is, in a way, buying into the whole culture of mass media consumption. However, music, more than almost anything else in my life is capable of making me think about the world, and see it from a different perspective. I'm not talking about the Top 40 pop music that's stereotyped as being a teenagers best friend. I have to say, I loathe Lady Gaga, and Kesha's not much better. Then again, I don't go to the other end of the spectrum and embrace heavy metal music, either. I think I sit in the middle of the road, indulging in a little bit of punk, rock, some alternative, and a lot of old stuff. Then again, genres really don't matter, it's the words and melody of the song that make it so addictive and healing.
Why is it so important? I find that by observing what music people enjoy, and how they seem to feel when they're listening to it, you can learn a lot about their personality. That's not to say that everyone who listens to Slipknot, for example, is depressed or anything remotely like that. Just that music has to connect with people on some level, in order to engage them and attract an audience. In my opinion, while we're being bombarded by videos and technology, often the most simple messages can get lost. In some ways, music helps to convey these messages for us, and to bring people together by evoking emotions, thoughts, and ideas, as well as the simplicity of enjoyment.
I'm curious to know what role music plays in the lives of other people.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I feel a bit silly..
I'm not quite sure how to go about this whole blogging concept, acquiring followers and whatnot.
Not that followers are what's most important to me, READERS are. There is a difference. Followers would just confirm the fact that I have readers. Which I don't at the moment.
However short of spamming out my URL all over the internet, I'm not sure how to catch people's attention.
I'm hoping that when I have a little more direction in my posts, things might be a bit easier. Not that I'm expecting it all to fall into place, I know I have to work for it.
I just really want to reach someone, to achieve something, you know?
I woke up with icy morning on my breath, in my mind, the acknowledgement that today was the day.
I got out of bed with an unusual flourish, as the scent of flowers and wood paneling drifted through the air. Today was the day.
I prepared breakfast with a spring in my step, the taste of excitement on my tongue. Today was the day.
I bustled into my coat, anticipation flustering my movements. Today was the day.
The phone rang.
The voice on the other end stuttered. It wailed. Then calmed. And bid me farewell.
Today was meant to be the beginning. And it was. The beginning of the end.
Today, was the day.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
So, this is a blog.
After much contemplation, I've finally decided to make my grand entrance into the blogoshpere.
I'm not too sure yet what direction my blog will take, not that I have any readers who'll be concerned about it yet. Or any readers at all, in reality. My interests range from photography, to writing, to current issues, and maybe even a little bit of politics, based on my shallow knowledge of them.
There's only one thing I aim to achieve with this blog, and that is to provoke thoughts. Or feelings. Or ate least mild interest.
So, here goes...
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