Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, at the risk of stating the very obvious, I have come to the conclusion that war in any form is utter bullshit.
In history today we watched a 25 minute video about the Vietnam War, with a particular focus on the politics that surrounded and led to Australia's contribution to it. In those 25 minutes, I was close to tears. That's not to say there was any really graphic footage, or anything along those lines, but somehow it really drove home how horrible war is, and I found myself sitting there putting all my thought energy into wishing such a thing would never exist. In reality, it achieves nothing that shouldn't be able to be achieved by actually TALKING and LISTENING to other people. I genuinely cannot express my disgust at the notion. This isn't a new sentiment, it's just been massively reinforced by my thinking today.
Image courtesy of (

To me, this picture more or less summarises the Vietnam War, and war in general.
I'm genuinely ashamed of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War, and all others in which we've been involved. I want to start a revolution, but then what can I achieve? Never before have I felt this level of frustration at not being able to change the world, knowing that people are and have been dying horrible violent death all throughout history.

So, now you're all probably thinking I'm some crazy hormonal teenager, I'm gonna leave my rant there. ;)


  1. here is so many inspirations!

    have a nice time!

  2. War is sometimes necessary. Do you think the Third Reich could have been removed from the face of the Earth in any other way? Of course, the First World War was unjustifiable by any criteria, but the Second could not have been avoided, other than by rolling over and allowing Adolf Hitler and his minions to control the whole of Europe [Japan would have got Australia].

    The Vietnam War was fought on a ridiculous premise: that if communism wasn't stopped there, then the rest of Southeast Asia would have been next. Politicians spout bullshit most of the time, but what they had to say on this subject was particularly egregious.
